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Statuts de l'association
Stand Up & Supfullness

Statutes of the association Stand Up & Supfullness

Article 1

Name, seat and duration

The association "Stand up & Supfullness" is an association in the sense of articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code,
organised in accordance with these statutes.
It is politically neutral and confessionally independent.
Its registered office is in Geneva co / Jean-Charles Sanchez, 22 ch de la Gravière, 1225 Geneva, Switzerland.
Its duration is unlimited.

Name, seat and duration

The association "Stand up & Supfullness" is an association in the sense of articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code,
organised in accordance with these statutes.
It is politically neutral and confessionally independent.
Its registered office is in Geneva co / Jean-Charles Sanchez, 22 ch de la Gravière, 1225 Geneva, Switzerland.
Its duration is unlimited.

Article 2


Its aim is to promote, develop and disseminate the stand up paddle in all its possibilities (known and existing, as well as those in the process of creation and appearance).
It is aimed at all players in civil society (but mainly young people), organising training, certification and events mainly in Geneva (but also in Switzerland and abroad if necessary) in line with the principles of benevolence and sustainable development.
Its aim is also to develop, promote and apply Sup (Stand up Paddle) among young people as a tool for :
- Encouraging pleasure and well-being;
- Improve the balance between physical and mental health
- Encourage personal growth and creativity
- Acting on physical and neurological rehabilitation
- Develop the connection, knowledge, respect and safeguarding of the natural environment.
More specifically, the `StandUp jeune` programme offers a choice of varied activities that are both fun and educational for young people of all ages, from 6 to 18. The activities are offered in the form of days or half-days on different themes related to standup paddling (training, excursions, extra-curricular activities, educational lake outings, birthdays, camps, etc.).


Its aim is to promote, develop and disseminate the stand up paddle in all its possibilities (known and existing, as well as those in the process of creation and appearance).
It is aimed at all players in civil society (but mainly young people), organising training, certification and events mainly in Geneva (but also in Switzerland and abroad if necessary) in line with the principles of benevolence and sustainable development.
Its aim is also to develop, promote and apply Sup (Stand up Paddle) among young people as a tool for :
- Encouraging pleasure and well-being;
- Improve the balance between physical and mental health
- Encourage personal growth and creativity
- Acting on physical and neurological rehabilitation
- Develop the connection, knowledge, respect and safeguarding of the natural environment.
More specifically, the `StandUp jeune` programme offers a choice of varied activities that are both fun and educational for young people of all ages, from 6 to 18. The activities are offered in the form of days or half-days on different themes related to standup paddling (training, excursions, extra-curricular activities, educational lake outings, birthdays, camps, etc.).

Article 3


A member can choose between two categories:
- A professional member who can use the association's facilities and equipment
- A basic member who benefits from the association's activities, such as courses, hire, equipment and events;
All they have to do is send an official letter to the "Stand up & Supfullness" committee indicating their desire to join and their motivation.
The General Assembly decides on the admission and exclusion of members.
Members must adhere to these statutes.
They can resign at any time.
Basic and professional members of the association pay an annual membership fee of an amount set by the committee and approved by the general meeting.


A member can choose between two categories:
- A professional member who can use the association's facilities and equipment
- A basic member who benefits from the association's activities, such as courses, hire, equipment and events;
All they have to do is send an official letter to the "Stand up & Supfullness" committee indicating their desire to join and their motivation.
The General Assembly decides on the admission and exclusion of members.
Members must adhere to these statutes.
They can resign at any time.
Basic and professional members of the association pay an annual membership fee of an amount set by the committee and approved by the general meeting.

Article 4


The resources come from the profits of the association's activities such as membership fees, donations, legacies, loans, possible subsidies, royalties, services provided by the association as well as any other resources authorised by the law.
These resources are used to finance the activities of the association.


The resources come from the profits of the association's activities such as membership fees, donations, legacies, loans, possible subsidies, royalties, services provided by the association as well as any other resources authorised by the law.
These resources are used to finance the activities of the association.

Article 5


The organs of the association are:
a) the General Assembly
b) the committee
c) the auditors


The organs of the association are:
a) the General Assembly
b) the committee
c) the auditors

Article 6

General Assembly

The assembly consists of the members of the association and meets at least once a year during the first semester.
It is convened by the management at least 15 days in advance.
Each member is entitled to one vote.
Decisions are taken by a majority vote of the members present.
Decisions are only taken if at least 50% of the members are present.
In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

General Assembly

The assembly consists of the members of the association and meets at least once a year during the first semester.
It is convened by the management at least 15 days in advance.
Each member is entitled to one vote.
Decisions are taken by a majority vote of the members present.
Decisions are only taken if at least 50% of the members are present.
In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

Article 7

Extraordinary General Assembly

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held by decision of the Committee or at the request of one third of the members.
It shall be convened by the Committee one week in advance or at shorter notice if there is an emergency.

Extraordinary General Assembly

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held by decision of the Committee or at the request of one third of the members.
It shall be convened by the Committee one week in advance or at shorter notice if there is an emergency.

Article 8


The General Assembly has the following powers:
a) Approval of the annual report and accounts after presentation of the auditor's report.
b) Elections of the management (president, treasurer, secretary) and of the auditors.
c) Admission and exclusion of members.
d) Definition of the general activity of the association and the related budget.
e) Approval and amendment of the statutes.
These decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members present.


The General Assembly has the following powers:
a) Approval of the annual report and accounts after presentation of the auditor's report.
b) Elections of the management (president, treasurer, secretary) and of the auditors.
c) Admission and exclusion of members.
d) Definition of the general activity of the association and the related budget.
e) Approval and amendment of the statutes.
These decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members present.

Article 9


The committee consists of at least three members (president, secretary and treasurer).
He is elected for a three-year term by the General Meeting. It may be re-elected a maximum of once.
Its secretary, in charge of the minutes, is also the secretary of the General Assembly.
The Board shall meet at least three times a year, with a minimum of two members required for a quorum.
It takes its decisions by a majority of the members present.


The committee consists of at least three members (president, secretary and treasurer).
He is elected for a three-year term by the General Meeting. It may be re-elected a maximum of once.
Its secretary, in charge of the minutes, is also the secretary of the General Assembly.
The Board shall meet at least three times a year, with a minimum of two members required for a quorum.
It takes its decisions by a majority of the members present.

Article 10


The committee represents the association towards third parties.
The association is validly committed to third parties by the collective signature of two members of the committee.


The committee represents the association towards third parties.
The association is validly committed to third parties by the collective signature of two members of the committee.

Article 11


The auditors are chosen from among the members (excluding the management) and are appointed for one year. It may consist of one or more persons.


The auditors are chosen from among the members (excluding the management) and are appointed for one year. It may consist of one or more persons.

Article 12


The dissolution of the association must be decided by a simple majority of the members present at a general meeting.
The remaining assets of the association will be donated to an association with similar aims to "Stand up & Supfullness".


The dissolution of the association must be decided by a simple majority of the members present at a general meeting.
The remaining assets of the association will be donated to an association with similar aims to "Stand up & Supfullness".

Opening hours May to October :

Monday to Sunday : 12h-19h

© 2022 Stand Up & Supfullness.

All rights reserved

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